TRAVEL SEARCH!: 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006

7:00 AM

Anyone Else for Adventurous Beach Vacations?

Is it high time for a vacation or what? Summer is finally here again.

It's time to load up that car, folks. Fill up the trunk and toss in the kids, because it's all about those adventurous beach vacations. Okay, well I'm not sure how adventurous they are, but they're certainly a blast. We're talking about the warm sun on your face and soft, soothing sand between your tired toes. Ah, can't you just already taste those margaritas? Now, the first thing you have to focus on is the big plan. So, what is the big plan? You mean you don't already have one? Oh, it's no big deal. All you need to get started with contemporary beach vacations is your PC or Mac. Ah ha, and you thought it was sun block. Hop on your home computer and get a head start on your big summer getaway.

What kind of beach vacations sound ideal to you?

Are you all into the east coast scene, or are you more of a California sands kind of guy? Or better yet, maybe you're anxious to head off to the Bahamas or Hawaii. These are certainly ideal hot spots when it comes to summer beach vacations. All I have to say is you'd better plan in advance. But that's what the World-Wide-Web is for right? You can pop open your nifty Google search engine and find out what deals are cooking. This summer my family and I are headed to the east coast for a couple of weeks in the healing Carolina sun. Yeah, I can already feel that gentle breeze whipping at my hair as I lounge in total serenity. Okay, does that sound perfect or what? It all began with a surf through net-land. With the aid of my trusty laptop, I was sorting through a variety of deals on beach vacations and summer getaways. They just make it so simple now days.

I love the all-inclusive package deals.

This way I can purchase my plane tickets and lodging far in advance. Why would I want to do this you ask? Well, for one, the package deals are typically cheaper and it's nice to have everything taken care of before you actually get there. Furthermore, if you plan your exciting beach vacations in advance, you'll be certain to get that perfect lodging. Believe me; you definitely do not want to get stuck with some seedy motel room. It always pays to plan ahead and get exactly what you desire. So, are you ready to plan your big summer getaway? Jump into cyberspace and start browsing through beach vacations now.
11:03 AM

California Whitewater Paddling

Though many of its runs have been known for years, California whitewater remains some of the best whitewater paddling in the world.

Boaters from all ability levels have hundreds of different runs to choose from, from scenic flat water paddles through beautiful canyons to some of the hardest whitewater paddling on the planet, California whitewater boasts nothing short of world-class paddling.

For those looking to dust off their creek boats and tackle some Class IV and Class V rivers, look no further than the Sierras.

When the Sierra rivers start running in the spring, thousands of boaters flock from all over the world to test their mettle in the steep, close-walled, granite canyons. These California whitewater rives are not to be underestimated; many of them require strenuous hikes to reach the put-ins and/or take-outs, forcing boaters to hike over a day in some instances with fully loaded boats and packs. Though the hikes are tough, the rivers are often tougher, and a moderate Class IV creek can easily turn into a stomping Class V-VI monster if the mountains in the area catch much rain or experience particularly warm weather, which will melt off the snow and dump all of the melt water into the rivers. Wherever you decide to boat in the California backcountry, be sure to let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back, and carry a first aid and safety kit. A night under the stars isn’t so bad if you have some food and an emergency blanket, but if you’re cowering under a rock in your wetsuit it’s not going to be a comfortable experience.

Of course, not all California whitewater is so extreme. Larger drainages like the Kern boast miles upon miles of moderate whitewater, perfect for beginner or intermediate kayakers and advanced canoeists. These larger drainages also run with water throughout the year, not depending on heavy rain or snowmelt like the smaller, more technical creeks.

If you’re looking to experience California whitewater for the first time, your best option would be to look into one of the numerous whitewater raft guiding companies which populate the countryside.

Most of these companies run a number of different raft trips, from wild to mild. Some companies even raft Cherry Creek and other Class V rivers, though these will require you to prove yourself on an easier trip before you tackle these beefy California whitewater runs.
6:22 PM

An Overview of Air Travel

We love it and we hate it. We like to go on vacation and we need it for business trips, but there is a downside to air travel.

We have a love hate relationship with it, especially in these days of high security. With the advent of cheap, budget airlines, more of us are flying more than ever. This puts a strain on the airports at the best of times and there is a growing concern on the environmental impact of all this air travel.

There is no worse sight than a crowded airport waiting room with frustrated passengers slumped over the seats, when there are delays.

I feel most sorry for the children. Lots of parents drag their little kids all over the world, when they would be far happier on their nearest beach. Air travel is great when it works, when it doesn't, it's a nightmare. When we're at the airport, we are a captive audience and they charge us a fortune for a coffee and a muffin because they can.

There are good things about being on a plane.

There is the chance to read, or snooze, perhaps watch a movie or two. Sometimes, the world conspires against me doing any of those things in peace. There is the talkative passenger sat next to me, and although I've known them for ten whole minutes, they tell me their life story in great detail. They bring out the snapshots of the grandchildren. I try to look interested. Sometimes during air travel, it's safer to pretend to be asleep.

Then there are the children, bless them. I know I should be more sympathetic but the ones who whinge and cry are definitely unwanted. The driver can throw them off a bus, air travel is a different matter, unfortunately. I don't mind them having a parachute, I'm not a monster.

I must admit to liking aero plane food. I know I'm probably unusual in this, but I actually look forward to the meal and little snacks. In fact, the best thing about air travel for me is the cute little cartons and sachets that they give you. The food is normally pretty good and it's fun to open everything. The best meal I ever had was on Air Italia. Those Italians know how to do it. It had the tastiest rolls and cheese ever to be found on a plane, and the ice cream desert was gorgeous. The stewards were good looking too!

The future of flying is in a state of flux at the moment with high security alerts and everyone is on edge. It looks like air travel is going to become more difficult and not easier. Perhaps they should re-think the airport environment. A cinema would be good or they could put some beds in!
9:20 AM

Enjoying Weekend Trips

If you are looking for weekend trips, help may be as close as your computer.

For the most part, you don’t want to go to far when you go on weekend trips, but you do want to go far enough where you feel like you are away from it all, and that your stresses are left far behind. Your computer can point you in the right direction, and can help you find the best places to stay as well.

To begin your search for weekend trips, start by searching your own state for places to go and things to do.

Your own state’s website may have a tourism site, and you can find many great ideas there. You can also search the states nearby if you think it is feasible to drive that far for something to do. You want to find relaxing or interesting things to do, but make sure it is something familiar. If you want to learn to ski, weekend trips aren’t the best time to attempt this. You might want to save the skiing lessons for when you have more time.

After you have chosen your destination, look for a suitable place to stay while you are there.

Decide if you want a hotel, inn, or perhaps a bed and breakfast, and then search online for deals and packages that might interest you. Don’t forget to look for reviews of the places you are considering so you don’t end up in a bad spot, or in a hotel that is run down and dirty. Remember that in most cases if you purchase online and pay in full, you will get a cheaper rate.

After you know where you are going, and where you are going to stay, use one of the many online mapping sites to map out your car ride. Look for the site that has the most detailed directions, and compare directions to see which ones you think are the clearest. If you have an AAA membership, you can ask them to map out a route for you, and they usually do this for no fee.

Weekend trips can be great getaways as long as you plan well.

The last thing you want is to be lost in the middle of nowhere when you have to be at work bright and early the next morning. Plan ahead for weekend trips so that by the time you go, you are ready, and you don’t have to think about directions, reservations, or what you are going to do.

You can just enjoy.
9:04 AM

Walt Disney World Vacations

It’s not only children that dream of Walt Disney World vacations, many adults like to take them as well.

Perhaps the draw of Disney is that families can find things to do together, and they can also find things to do on their own. There is as much at Disney for adults as there is for children, and often, you can’t do it all in one Walt Disney World vacation. Perhaps this is why families tend to go back year after year and they never seem to get bored.

If you want to take Walt Disney World vacations, help is as close as your computer.

Not only can you book a vacation directly through Disney, you can find special vacation packages through many of the online travel sites that you use for your other hotel and airfare needs. Most of these sites have special sections just for family travel, and almost all of them will have deals on Walt Disney World vacations from which you can choose.

Remember that when you decide to take Walt Disney World vacations, you will pay more for some times of the year. Disney is often busier during certain segments of the year, and if you choose an off time, you may get an even better deal. Disney has no problem drawing visitors, but this doesn’t mean you can’t get a great deal. Perhaps the reason why so many people choose to take Walt Disney World vacations is because there are always deals out there just waiting to be found.

You can book your Walt Disney World vacations either online, by calling a travel agent, or by phoning Disney directly. Each way might find you savings you were not aware of, and if you use the phone, the operator may dig a little deeper for you, and get you an even better deal than what you saw online. If you call later in the evening, or first thing in the morning, you may get faster and more relaxed service.

Don’t forget about special events.

There are great times to take Walt Disney World vacations, even if you can’t save as much money. Recently, Disney hosted a series of concerts for the under five crowd that included shows by the Wiggles, and other children’s entertainers that are not normally seen at Disney on a regular basis. They also have anniversary specials, and times when the magic of Disney is truly something special to behold.